Social Privacy | Page 6

Philosopher's Perspective on Justice


John Rawls’ Idea of Social Justice

John Rawls’ idea of social justice is securing the protection of equal access to liberties, opportunities, and rights. To determine if something is just or unjust, one must ask of it improves or destroys access to human equality.

Social Contract

People agree to abide by laws that would improve everyone’s way of living, without worrying about their own selfish gain.

Overlapping Consensus

People may disagree about religious, philosophical, or moral issues, but may still agree about issues of social justice.

Justice as Fairness

Each person has equal basic liberties.

Social and economic inequalities must satisfy two conditions: 1. They are attached to offices and position open to all due to equality in opportunity. 2. They are to benefit the least-advantaged members of society.

Photo by Zephyrance Lou