Edward Snowden
Edward Snowden, a former NSA agent, leaked information about the NSA's surveillance of the citizens of the United States. Information such as the NSA spying on people's phone calls, and their use of the internet. Another document, named the FISC document, that Edward unveiled revealed the NSA demanding that Verizon supply them with information pretaining to their customers on a daily basis.
Though Edward's leaks have improved the knowledge of the public, and has made us more self-aware of what we do using technology, Edward still faces up to thirty years on prison since he leaked government documents. He currently resides in Russia, where the government protects him from the United States.
Edward Snowden tried to improve the public's knowledge, and in doing so he lost his job, his home, and faces charges that would place him in prison for years. He did all this thinking that the information he had leaked would improve the public's awarness, and call for
John Oliver Interview Edward Snowden