Social Media Marketing Strategy February 2014 | Page 6
A U D I n g aNe CeE
E g m nt
Our audience consists of current and prospective students, students, alumni, donors, and community and
With such a wide range of followers, it is
important that we craft our messages in
ways that appeal to our student target
audience, students, while also staying
relevant to other audience types. Our
primary following is also dependent on
the platform we use.
our followers and engagers via Twitter are student and community organizations.1 Though our tweets should be
written with those organizations in mind,
the ultimate goal is that they retweet or
reply to our tweets, helping us to reach
beyond our Twitter following.
Because 57% of our likes on Facebook
are 18-24 year olds, we know that our
primary audience is current or prospective students, whereas the majority of
To understand the specific needs of
each type of audience, we can start by
answering one question for each target
Current Students: Why should I engage?
C o n n e c t w i t h oth er C AL stu dents, le a rn a bout inte rnship/job opport u n i t i e s
Ins p ir e s tu d e n t s w i t h o t h e r stu de nt su cce ss sto ri e s
Po s t r elev a n t j ob a n d i n te rnsh i p o ppo rtu ni ti e s
Sh ar e p r o fe s s i o n a l de v e l o pme nt l e c tu re s & e ve n ts
A c kn o wle d ge a c c om pl i s hme n ts o f stu de nt gro ups
Prospective Stude nts: Why should I enroll?
Jo i n a c ommu n ity dedicated to a rts a nd hum a nitie s e duc a tion a nd fo c u se d
o n te a c h i n g stu den ts skills in pr oble m solving, c re a tivity , a nd innova t i o n
Version 1.2