Social Media Marketing Strategy February 2014 | Page 2
A m LeE T rT E R
F ro
D an Ka in Wu r st
As we move forward on campus and in the community, it becomes imperative to develop communication strategies that are robust and agile
enough to connect with a variety of audiences in multiple of mediums,
and in a multiple ways. At the College of Arts & Letters (CAL), we use
an integrated marketing approach employing a wide variety of marketing/communications tools that help students, faculty, and staff engage
in best practices that align with the universities brand, marketing, and
communication initiatives. This approach brings greater awareness and
understanding of the arts and humanities to a wide array of audiences.
This Social Media Strategy is a guide that walks you through the “who,
what, when, where, why, and how” to use social media in your communication strategies with alumni, students, donors, staff, faculty, and the
community. We have validated the guide using primary and secondary
research. We have provided you with real examples on what works and
what doesn’t. In addition, we provide you with a variety of social media
platforms available today. As technology changes and the way people
communicate change, we will be sure to update the guide accordingly
and share additional best practices that you can use going forward.
Now, more than ever, it is important to continue to drive home our success stories, research, student/alumni experiences, and the impact we
make in our world today. We must continue to grow our awareness
with prospective students, current students, alumni/donors, and the
community at large to showcase our power within the arts and humanities through social media.
I hope you use this strategy on a go-forward basis in your communication strategies within your departments and organizations.
Thank you,
Version 1.2