Social Media Makes People Less Social Dec. 2013 | Page 4

25% of smartphone owners ages 18–44 say they can’t recall the last time their smartphone wasn’t next to them

We are so glued to our social media that it hinders our work, education and even safety. How many of you are guilty of checking your social networking sites during work? I see so many status updates on twitter and facebook along the lines of “at work and so bored.” I’m sure everyone has noticed that even in class, students pay more attention to social networking sites than the actual lecture. Professors see it and your classmates see it. Sadly, I admit that I am guilty of this, I would be on facebook or on my phone tweeting something when the professor is right in front of me teaching. Also, how many times while walking on campus do you see a student so into their smartphones that they almost walk into a pole or tree or even cross in front of an on-coming car? We are so sidetracked by trying to stay on top of our social media that we are becoming less aware of our surroundings.