Facebook is also engaging in live streaming options, in which debates along with other press releases are available to users. This newest innovation for both Facebook and Twitter, makes staying informed as easy as possible on your mobile device. Users who do not have access to cable, are now open to a new outlet of streaming, so they are not completely dependent on the opinion from others both on their news feeds, and news reports.
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Twitter’s newest innovation of polls, allows users to create their own polls, and instantly see the results of other users votes after clicking the poll option in which they choose. This is a huge tool used by candidates as another form of tracking to see where exactly they stand within the election, in which was not available in previous elections.
Instagram, has taken the election by storm, due to the involvement of users using location settings to share their pictures in influential places, hash tags, and to promote their support with pictures of their choosing. Several different artists throughout New York have used their artistic ability to create street art of their choice of candidate, in hopes for users to raise awareness by posting their artwork.