Social Media and You Vol. 6 No, 7 July 2022 | Page 10


When fictional characters become part of your life

When Magnum P . I . was cancelled , I was stunned . I simply stared at the news . How can that be ?

I am one of 7 million viewers of the weekly show . I am proud to say that , like my dad , I like television . I appreciate the magic of being transported to other places . I enjoy drama , mystery , laughter . I like learning about stuff .
But Magnum P . I . did much more than all of that . It was my celebration for making it through another week . It motivated me to make it through another . It is no exaggeration that the pandemic had an incredible effect on my little corner of the world . Magnum P . I . was my anchor .
So when I watch Thomas get into messes and climb back out , I cheer . His character , as a veteran who survived Afghanistan , makes me proud . He is nice and pleasant . He is funny . He is considerate and helpful . He is intelligent .
When I watch Higgy solve how to get her visa renewed or how she partners with Thomas as a private investigator , I nod . Smart as a whip and healthy as can be , I admire her .
As I watch TC become a foster dad , my heart smiles . I love Cade ’ s story and how tragic childhoods have hope . I stood for TC when he stood for Cade . TC does what all adults need to do for kids .
When I watch Rick and Suzy become parents , I smile . Long-distance relationships rarely succeed so it was so rewarding to see them deliver Joy Frankie . Rick is patient and supportive . He is also strong enough to share his feelings .
Every time I watch Kimu , I cheer . As the elder , the respect for her is enormous . She has the island wisdom that
By Aline Yamashita
is so needed by families and friends to keep moving forward . She is safe and comforting .
Every time I watch Detective Katsumoto clash with Thomas and Higgy , I smile . Working together even while breaking rules delivers . While the last episode had him suspended , Gordy had no regrets because he saved the mother of his son . Family first .
I applaud every time I watch Shammy join the table . When he accepted TC ’ s invitation to be a pilot for Island Hoppers – after addressing PTSD issues – I was proud .
From his wheelchair to the pilot ’ s seat sends huge messages of inspiration .
Every time Jin is in an episode , I expect craziness . He delivers . He ’ s nuts and funny . He ’ s so comfortable in his skin that others accept him .
Of course , the fact that Magnum P . I . is filmed in Hawaii is a huge reason I love the show . Ohana is breathed in and out . Family and friends are the fabric of island life . When Kumu got into the baby ward to see Joy Frankie , Rick asked how she got in . Kumu ’ s distant cousin is a nurse there . But of course .
The beauty of the island – the blue skies , the turquoise waters , the flowers , the people , the sand , the sounds , the food – adds to the beauty of the program . When Thomas and Higgy finally kissed on the last episode , the gorgeous sunset added radiance to the moment .
I like that Magnum is casual and humble . I like that they enjoy food and drink together . I like that they laugh and cry . But what I really like more is how they always help each other .
I like how Thomas , TC , Rick and Shammy find a way to survive the pain of war . Their memories give them strength and capacity . Their bond gives them love and courage . Their attitudes give them life and laughter .
Much credit goes to the writers , directors , producers . Thank you for helping so many of us make it through the pandemic . Every day , I check to see if Magnum P . I . got renewed .
Miracles happen . Magnum P . I . sparked miracles in everyday life as it reassured and pressed us to enjoy life with love and laughter .

Aline Yamashita is a mom , a teacher and former senator . She served in the 31st and 32nd Guam Legislatures . You may write to her at aline4families @ gmail . com . rom the comment box

Solar : An alternative path

Our home has had solar power since November 2014 . Power bill has been great .

Some of my friends complain about their $ 500 monthly bills . My $ 15 monthly bill is fine and that is with three AC units , a fridge , a freezer , TV sets , microwave , etc .
The initial expense was quite hard as I wanted to get it paid in full . So I used our financial assets and put our savings to solar work . It was kind of like buying a bond where you receive a dividend check every quarter .
But later I got to thinking that my better choice would have been to use our local banks for a loan . Such loans can be paid off sooner as extra principal payments are allowed . I would accomplish the same thing but just have to pay the bank each month , just like my car payments each month .
And with multiple thousands of cars and pickup trucks on the road every day , it ' s obvious that most of us are able to handle such monthly payments .
So a new perspective of my monthly payments popped up . While we all have to pay our monthly power bill ,
could we not just switch things around and pay the bank instead ? So , one month we pay $ 500 to GPA .
Then with our solar system installed the next month , we pay $ 400 to the bank and $ 15 to GPA . ( Just rough numbers ).
When the loan is paid off , our homes have added value and we own the entire system .
This is an alternative path for our money . We ' re going to spend it anyway as power is essential .
I really like the idea that I ' m giving my excess solar power to GPA and they can use this for other customers .
And , it is probably easing somewhat the load on their generators . My excess KWH ' s to GPA are CO2-free . I ' m sure GPA and GEPA appreciate that .
I may be an older citizen but I am well aware of our climate change problem . — Paul Tobiason