Social Good Engineering Magazine: GineersNow Social Innovation GineersNow Engineering Magazine Issue No. 001 | Page 3

GINEERSNOW TEAM Ems Bagatsing Sales & Marketing Director [email protected] Robert Bagatsing Editor-In-Chief Editor's Note [email protected] Alice Hernandez Senior Editor-At-Large John Vauden Senior Editor Asia-Pacific Hina Sapra Senior Editor South Asia Therese Matheren Senior Editor North America Dion Junior Greg Editor Reyes Cielo Panda Junior Editor Farrel Pinto Junior Editor Raymond Junior Gerard del Valle Editor Abhishek Tarafder Matrix Media Information Technology Aiza King Creative & Layout GineersNow is a subsidiary of Lincoln Martin Strategic Marketing Level 14, Boulevard Plaza Tower 1 MBR Boulevard, Emaar Square, Downtown Dubai, UAE P.O. Box 334036, Dubai, U.A.E. Mob: +971 50 4289684 The past several months have feverishly gone by just like that. From the months running up to the grand launch, to the past several weeks of live operation, my editorial team and I have been moving at such a frenetic pace, keeping several plates turning, including conceptualizing, revising and producing content, on top of responding to readers’ questions and addressing feedback. We at the GineersNow team know that we are in for a herculean pursuit of competing with the more es- tablished and wider reaching information portals. Though it is inevitable to com- pete with them, that isn’t why we existed for. At this point, we deem it best to stay true to our avowed purpose, assume our own identity, and most of all, have fun and exude fun. Our work has been paying off thus far, as since “project GineersNow” started several months ago, we have already hailed several milestones. Some- times, we catch ourselves asking: “Did we actually achieve this?” I, as the Senior Ed- itor, understand where this slight doubt comes from. More than doubt, however, I think it is more of astonishment. But, the engineers in us still try to make sense of how far GineersNow have come in its several months of existence. “If we have already hailed several milestones in less than a quarter of a year, does it mean we have already covered an enormous distance? With time being constant, and Alice Hernandez Senior Editor-At-Large 3 using the formula Distance = Rate x Time, does it mean that we are moving at a remarkable speed? At an astonishing speed we are moving indeed, as today, we have yet marked another milestone in our short history – the launch of GineersNow magazine. What you are reading now is a compendium of the 100 best stories that we have featured in our website, written by our correspondents across Asia and Australia. Our maiden issue banners an exclusive one-on-one with Robert Bagatsing, the Founder and Chief Giving Officer of GineersNow, as he shares the history and the roadmap ahead of “the online home of kickass engineers”. This issue also features select articles on a wide range of engineering fields, including electronics, bio-medical, chemical, in- dustrial, civil, mechanical and electrical, to name a few. Our content covers an extensive range of industries, among which are mining, oil & gas, aeronautics, renewables, robotics, IT, food, telecom- munications and wearables. We hope that you’ll enjoy read- ing our maiden issue, as much as we had fun creating it. On behalf of the entire ed- itorial team, I would like to thank you for your support and in making the launch of GineersNow a resounding success. Now that we have solved the Distance = Rate x Time conundrum, you think it’s time to tackle Force = Mass x Acceleration?