Social Dialogue | Page 2

Soci@l Di@logue Newsletter The action has its specific objectives based in the development of measures and initiatives concerning the strengthening of social dialogue and changes in the employment and work relationships with particular emphasis on improving skills and increasing the versatility of functions. Thus, the specific objectives of this activity are: 1. To characterize the Employment Relations of the sectors in its different sociodemographic and socio-professional dimensions, namely, the nature of employment, organization of working time, health and safety at work, gender equality and the reconciliation of working time with family life and leisure; 2. Contribute to the implementation of strategies and new forms of work organization to mitigate the risk of accidents and development of occupational diseases, reduce gender inequality, promote a better reconciliation of work and family life, as well as greater participation and intervention of women in the everyday trade union organizations; 3. Contribute to the discussion/debate within the trade union and employers' organizations on the main difficulties on the social dialogue (bipartite and tripartite) at national level in terms of sectoral collective bargaining, at the company level, as well as the challenges faced by the companies in a context of ongoing changes and restructuring in a proactive approach in the combat to unemployment; 4. Contribute to networking (open to the community) and dissemination of good practices, mainly through the creation of a platform that contributes to improving intraorganization communication, exchange of knowledge, experiences, best practices and the development of the digital society. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES FESETE, as applicant of the project, will have the responsibility of coordination. The partners, ACVCSC Metea, OS-TOK and DISK Tekstil, as co-applicants, will have the responsabilty to participate in the development of the activities and to validate the outputs. The partnership elected a Steering Committee composed my members of each partner that will have the responsibility to develop and implement the activities of the project at national level and also to evaluate the development of the project concerning the objectives defined on the call. Thus, the project aims with this partnership, to promote an exchange of experiences between the partners, but also opened to the rest of the European organizations trough the on-line platform. All the documents produced during the project will be translated in the official languages of the partners (Portuguese, French, Czech, Turkish) plus English to promote the dissemination of the project at national level inside the partnership and in English to assure that is accessible to the community and other European countries. January 2016 Page 2