Social Aspects of Guatemala 1 | Page 2


Mortality Rate

In Guatemala, mortality rate

dropped from 22 per thousand

in 1950-1955 to 9 per thousand

in the period 1098-1990, and has

been the specific rate of children

under five years has fallen most. However, these children are still those who represent the largest proportion of deaths per year (66% in 1950-1955 and 44% in 1985-1990).

This reflects a lack of maternal and children health in a country with a birth rate as high as Guatemala’s.

The female mortality rate has declined rapidly than men, especially in adulthood.

Both genders share the main causes of death. The clearest differences are related to the reasons of maintaining the higher male mortality: accidents and deaths caused by political violence.

Children mortality in Guatemala has declined significantly over the last twenty years, although the current level remains one of the highest in Latin America.