What Is Soci Hub ?
Today should be the day when you throw away all your different tools that you have acquired over the years to help your social media marketing .
I bet you have tools for Facebook , Instagram , Pinterest , Linkedin , Twitter & Youtube ?
How much time do you spend with each tool setting up your marketing campaigns ?
1 hour per tool ? That maybe six hours per day
Or even worse , you have only 1 or 2 tools and you manually set up your campaigns , well then you probably don ’ t have enough time in the day to market to them all do you ?
Well today you can now take control of the 6 top social media marketing platforms all under one roof , introducing
If you are not marketing to all those social sites then you are losing out .
What if I told you , that if you where to market to all six of them , then you would have the potential to reach 4.5 billion users ! ( yes I did say billion ).
Pretty mind blowing right ?
But if you are a busy marketer then you have so much else to do .
There is just not enough time in the day to take care of all your marketing needs and manually do each different promotion for each different network .