Soccer Warrior Issue 20 | Page 7

SOCCER WARRIOR FANZONE THE MAKING OF A SOCCER WARRIOR PAGE! HOLA FANS! We hope you’re enjoying the latest issue of Soccer Warrior. Over the past few months we have been hearing a lot from local comic fans who are interested in making their own comic books. With so many budding comic artists in South Africa, we thought it would be interesting to show all of you what goes into producing a finished Soccer Warrior page. 1-Pencils 2- Inks 3 - Colours 4 - Lettering SEND YOUR LETTERS TO: Young Blood / Beautiful Life Building, 70 Bree Street, Cape Town, 8001 OR EMAIL TO: [email protected] All letters, photos and art submitted to us become property of Mamba Media and may be edited for length and content. GET YOUR REGULAR FIX OF SOCCER WARRIOR ACTION EVERY TUESDAY IN THE DAILY SUN! read vusi vuzela’s ongoing weekly adventures, with exciting new competitions every week. BE SURE TO CHECK OUT THE ALL-NEW, COLLECTIBLE SOCCE H?]II%=H?5=9Q!1d) =5% ?MI%L?)??????????????????????????????????????????)???()??????()?????()MU9d?MU8?()?????()????????()????()??()??((0