What is Sober Living Housing?
Sober living homes are group homes for individuals recovering from
alcohol and drug addiction. They are sometimes confused with
halfway houses, but they’re very different. Halfway houses,
generally, are where individuals who are released from jail, prison,
or a court-mandated offenders’ home, are ordered to go for a
required length of time. Sobriety support is offered, but not
required. Sobriety is not the focus of the home or its residents.
Many halfway houses are government funded.
Sober living houses, on the other hand, are a relatively new idea.
They focus on an individual’s ability to remain free from drug and
alcohol use. Sobriety is a sober living home’s primary and total
focus. Residents are at the homes voluntarily and the atmosphere is
usually more positive and more favorable to recovery and healing.
Sober living housing is usually privately owned.