Sober Living A Helpful and Effective Guide to Sober Living | Page 7
The Benefits of Sober Living
Just a e a ple, i the a erage fa ilit there’s or all a urfe that
reside ts a ’t e late for, a d the a or a ot also e allo ed to
hold down a job while staying there. This also leaves room for residents
to wander and get into potential trouble, but random drug tests are
i ple e ted here to e sure the sti k to the progra . It’s a pri ilege
that ost addi ts ould ’t a t to lose. While so e slip through the
cracks, there are plenty more driven by their freedom to not get it taken
a a . We do ’t realize hat e ha e u til it’s go e, that’s ho the
saying goes, right? Sober Living Homes like to teach their patients
respo si ilit , a d that a ’t e taught if the ’re ooped up i a ho e
all day thinking about how they got there in the first place. In order to
recover, addicts must learn to cope with society again, without the
drugs or alcohol.