Soap Volume 01 | Page 3

To the Editor :

To the Editor :

Re “ Why the Sustainability is Defying Forecasts of Gloom and Doom ” ( second page , March 2 ):
Neil Irwin states that much of the current Wall Street optimism is buoyed by “ expectations of corporate tax cuts and deregulation under the Trump administration .” It was the Bush administration ’ s and the Republicans ’ aversion to regulation and oversight that almost destroyed the economy in 2008 .
I am a 70-year-old retiree , and the prospect of allowing Wall Street free rein to pillage the financial markets with unregulated exotic investment instruments and people like Bernie Madoff to prey on unsuspecting investors without oversight was too much for me . On the morning of Nov . 9 , with the market soaring upward , I sold about 25 percent of my portfolio . Yes , I realize I lost money , but I sleep a whole lot better . IRA D . WASSERMAN , STATEN ISLAND
A version of this letter appears in print on March 4 , 2017 , on Page A18 of the New York edition with the headline : Free Rein for Wall Street ?.