Soap Magazine
The Story of BRUS
In an old iron foundry and locomotive factory in Copenhagen , the engines are running again . Brand new brewing facilities , specialty products , bar buzz and an ambitious young chef ’ s team is breathing new life into the old warehouse .
The guys behind the brewery To Øl and Mikropolis bar have joined forces in creating a brewpub , restaurant , shop and bar in Copenhagen ’ s most lively and versatile neighborhood .
BRUS is the name of the place ; a 750 m ² raw building with activities ranging wide from brewing , kegging , cooking , shopping , dining and drinking . It all comes together in a sum of quality , science , experiments and functionality to create a playful venue for beerlovers , microbrewers and hungry souls who fancy some socializing city life ; a place with a constantly evolving range of experimental food and beverages .
The Danish name ‘ BRUS ’ refers to the sparkling quality liquid obtains when carbonated ; the frizzy feeling of great brew . With production on-location , BRUS aims to be
The Danish name ‘ BRUS ’ refers to the sparkling quality liquid obtains when carbonated ; the frizzy feeling of great brew .