So Much Water Volume 1 Issue 3 Summer 2015 | Page 30

I prefer to tent camp when I’m out and about so I would recommend getting a site at Parker Bottoms. The sites are a little farther apart and separated by tree and brush dividers. Just not during the heat of the summer. The area is low with a lot of trees and I do not think the air moves there at all so camper beware. The Sites closest to the water have foot trails to the water so I try to reserve one of those sites. The “River View” and “The Pines” trails access the C&R area.

If your trip includes a boat, Canoe or Kayak, the area includes 3 public boat accesses, one at the Dam, Bertram access on the road to Parker bend access and another at Houseman access. Two walk-in accesses are available at the dam and Parker’s bottom. A few park and hike accesses between Bertram and Parkers Bottom campground are also available. A private access is under the 62 highway bridge which can be used for a small access fee. If you are boating or floating, be aware that lake rules, apply after the 62 highway bridge. That is anyway what the two Arkansas Game and Fish Agents (AGF) told me after coming along side for a safety check. The one and only time I didn’t have a life jacket. They wrote me up a ticket and then allowed me to continue on my unsafe journey. It was later I found that no life jacket is about a two hundred dollar mistake. Glad they were looking out for me.