Snoring & Sleep Apnea No More PDF / Book Free Download Snoring & Sleep Apnea No More By David Ortega | Page 56

Drug Addictions People who take drugs don`t always see the real world in front of them. They are not really there. On a highway, in casual contact or at home they can be very dangerous to you. People mistakenly believe they `feel better` or `act better` or `only happy` when they are on drugs. That is just another delusion. Sooner or later the drugs will destroy them physically. Crack cocaine, LSD and Ecstasy are the most addictive drugs on the streets today. You definitely won’t look, feel or act young if you get hooked on one these stuffs. These drugs affect the nervous system and can wreak havoc on your body. Once people get addicted to these drugs, whether it’s the powder or the rocks (crack), it’s difficult to stop using. The drugs give them a “high” that they feel they can’t get anywhere else but from that drugs. However, the downfall of being addicted to these drugs has many consequences:          Accelerated heartbeat Chest pain Heart attack Seizures Strokes Nosebleeds Chronic runny nose Limited flow of blood HIV infection The use of drugs is also known to decrease an addict’s appetite. When they don’t eat, they start to look gaunt. Their skin starts to wrinkle and they start to age very quickly. Methamphetamine abusers also experience health problems as chronic users. Their brain is affected as far as remembering things and they can’t think straight. Their health is threatened, and they start to look old. The drugs make their skin wrinkled and they start looking at least 10 to 15 years older. Their teeth start to fall out, which adds to their aging process. `It is hard to understand addiction unless you have experienced it ` 19