Snoring & Sleep Apnea No More PDF / Book Free Download Snoring & Sleep Apnea No More By David Ortega | Page 41

It seems that Stress is ever-present, attacking us at work, at school, on the road, and at home. I knew I had to do something. How did i do it? Exhibiting the rigors of stress can play a part in aging. The strain that you exert on your mind and your body can actually speed up the process. You’re missing out on the chance to feel free. Instead, you’re allowing your body to take in all of the cares and pressures that you cannot possibly solve by yourself. If you are exposed to toxins in the environment, they may affect your body in an adverse way. Genetics can also influence the way and how fast people age. If you start smoking, drinking or using illegal drugs when you’re young, it will definitely show as you get older. These habits contribute to poor nutrition because you don’t think about eating healthy. You’re thinking about puffing that next nicotine stick, hitting that next bottle or finding that next sniff or smoke on the pipe. As your liver and kidneys flush out the toxins in your system, some of the medicines you take for certain ailments may remain in your system. As you age, your liver and kidneys may not function like they used to. Any leftover medicines in your system can contribute to you aging prematurely. If you liver starts to slow down, your cholesterol levels may be affected. The liver is responsible for the maintenance of cholesterol levels. If your cholesterol level is high, you could be prone to more ailments within your body. For these reasons mentioned, it is imperative that you would want to stay young and not look like a prune. Doing the right things that will keep you healthy and vibrant can help to hinder the aging process. You can be older chronologically, but you don’t have to be old physically. `When your friends begin to flatter you on how young you look, it's a sure sign you're getting old` 4