Snoring & Sleep Apnea No More PDF / Book Free Download Snoring & Sleep Apnea No More By David Ortega | Page 15

Sleep Apnea is as serious as it gets! Sleep Apnea and snoring are directly linked because during snoring the airway of the trachea is constantly subjected to repetitive collapse and obstruction; in fact, it is that collapse and obstruction that leads to the vibration that, ultimately, manifests itself as audible snoring. Sleep Apnea thus occurs when, due to that continuous collapse of the airway, breathing actually stops. While death is obviously possible due to this obstruction of the airway (and subsequent lack of breathing), there are many very serious effects that, while not fatal, are most certainly severe. Even when it is not fatal, Sleep Apnea deprives the body of essential oxygen; and hence, overall blood oxygen levels are reduced and concurrently, carbon dioxide levels rise. This can lead to toxic buildup that can cause heart disease, stroke, and brain damage. Snoring: The Emotional Problems Readers who themselves aren’t snorers, but have lived with (or currently live with) a first class snorer, might find themselves shedding a tear or two as they read this section. That’s because often overlooked in the whole snoring discussion are those people who don’t snore. These are the husbands, the wives, the kids, the nanny’s, the siblings, the in-laws, and even the neighbors who have found themselves on the receiving end of a chain saw, or a lawn mower, that tended to start at around 10:00pm, and continued – unabated! – Until about 7:00am the following morning. For such people, trying to fall and stay asleep was not merely an exercise in stress coping; it was an exercise in crisis management! 15