We at Beckman Livestock and Farming and Rimrock Angus would again like to invite you to the annual Snake River Valley Genetics Bull Sale . We know how precious time is and want you to know we truly appreciate you sharing some of yours with us .
It ’ s hard to believe another year has flown by and its sale time again . We are bringing you a set of high-quality bulls that are out of some of the top A . I . sires in the nation . The bulls are thick , deep , consistent and are the kind we feel will work in the high desert environment that we call home . You will find the bulls have genomically enhanced EPDs that are relevant to today ’ s beef industry .
Again , the fall born bulls are PAP tested . This year by Dr . JD Folsom . All bulls will have passed a breeding soundness exam / semen test prior to the sale .
A supplement sheet with updated performance , ultrasound , and scrotal measurements will be available sale day and on our websites prior to the sale .
Bulls will be available for viewing at our individual operations any time prior to the sale . Bulls will be at the sale site the morning of March 5th .
We look forward to seeing you at the Bonneville County Fairgrounds in Idaho Falls , Idaho March 5 .
SINCERELY , Wade & Arnold and Families
Arnold & Teresa Callison 208.785.4459 ( Arnold ) 208.681.8441 rimrockangus @ live . com www . rimrockangus . com
Wade & Vicki Beckman ( Wade ) 208.313.0235 ( Sedar ) 208.521.4628 beckmanlivestock @ gmail . com www . beckmanlivestockllc . com