We at Beckman Livestock , Rimrock Angus and Adams Angus Acres would again like to invite you to the annual Snake River Valley Genetics Bull Sale .
As you have seen in our advertising , we have moved the sale to the Bonneville County Fairgrounds in Idaho Falls . We held our female sale there a couple of years ago and found the facilities and management second to none . We know you will enjoy the new look and new location . Bulls will be at the sale site available for viewing sale day March 6 .
As all of us in Ag do , we always look for next year to be brighter and more prosperous . The cattle industry hasn ’ t looked this good for several years and looks to continue for the next several years .
Here at home the weather has been a lot easier than a year ago and feed has gotten more affordable .
As always , we are bringing you a set of high quality , industry relevant Bulls we feel will fit the high desert environment we all operate in .
The fall born Bulls have been PAP tested by Dr . Tim Holt and all sale Bulls will have passed a breeding soundness exam / semen test before sale day .
A supplement sheet with updated performance , ultrasound , and scrotal measurements will be available sale day as well as being posted on our websites prior to the sale .
Bulls are available for viewing any time before the sale at our individual operations . The Adams bulls are at Beckman ’ s . We look forward to seeing you at the new location , Bonneville County Fairgrounds in Idaho Falls on the 6th of March .
SINCERELY , Arnold , Chet & Wade
Arnold & Teresa Callison 208.785.4459 ( Arnold ) 208.681.8441 rimrockangus @ live . com www . rimrockangus . com
Chet Adams 208.313.5844 chetadams53 @ gmail . com www . adamsangusacres . com
Wade & Vicki Beckman ( Wade ) 208.313.0235 ( Sedar ) 208.521.4628 beckmanlivestock @ gmail . com www . beckmanlivestock . com