Zhiwei ‘Fred’ Zhao
Software Development
Hybrid Rendering Pipeline with Real-Time Ray Tracing
Ray tracing is a rendering technique As a programmer who has always been
the offline rendering field to generate time ray tracing is attractive to me. Ray
that has been used for over 50 years in
high fidelity results. Due to performance
issues and hardware restrictions, ray
tracing has not been actually useable
in real-time rendering domain before.
However, with the release of NVIDIA RTX
tracing is the future of real-time graphics
and is supported on next-generation game
consoles. Curiosity and enthusiasm drove
me to dig into this new technique.
20 series graphic cards using new Turing In this project, I spent over 200 hours
libraries for modern graphic API (DXR renderer implemented using Vulkan’s
architecture and ray-tracing extension
for DirectX12, VK_NVX_raytracing for
Vulkan), real-time ray tracing is getting
mature and more commonly applied to
recent games.
fond of modern graphics techniques, real-
learning Vulkan API and created a scene
ray tracing extension. In the renderer, I
crafted features including direct shadow,
reflection, transparency and ambient