Jonathan Greenberger
Software Development
User Level Editing and Sharing in Double Team
For my thesis, I took Double-Team, a 2D significant insight into the work and
a Directed Focus Study at SMU Guildhall, such as the undo button that can be taken
puzzle-platformer I created previously for
and expanded on it to create both a
full-featured user-friendly level editor, as
for granted an end user.
well as in-game online level sharing and This project was planned over an eight-
more experience with creating tools and 15-week fall period. I’m very proud of the
browsing. I chose this project to acquire
user-focused content, as well as to get a
breadth of knowledge of both editor and
online database programming. I believe
strongly in Double-Team and that it has
potential for great user-created levels.
Working on this project taught me a
lot about managing complexity when
architecting large systems. It provided
me with a crash course in database and
network programming, and it supplied
thought that needs to go into systems —
week summer period and executed over a
work, and I hope many users will be able
to use it to make and upload a level for