Zhiyu Sun
Art Creation
Stylized Procedural Modular Environment
My thesis focused on developing a 3D From this project, I learned two new
Arena (MOBA) games. The stylized Designer) and two different particle
modular kit for Multiplayer Online Battle
textures were generated in a procedural
workflow. Players would be able to move
the character in the level and activate
different attacks which could cause
different effects according to the surface
types. The artifact was presented in Unreal
Engine 4.
I chose this topic because performance is
a critical factor that affects players’ gaming
systems in Unreal Engine 4 (cascade and
niagara). Also, based on my understanding
of 3D tools, I developed a work pipeline for
stylized texture generation. The pipeline is
highly procedural. It will be easy for other
artists to follow and apply this workflow,
and they will be able to customize their
own new material using the structure I
experience. Many factors contribute to a This project took approximately 196 hours
texture quality, and shader complexity. research and documentation.
better performance, such as mesh tris,
Softer factors like the reusability and
customizability of meshes and textures
can also be conducive to a more efficient
developing workflow.
tools (Substance Painter and Substance
for production and another 100 hours for