Jason Pavik
Art Creation
Interactive UI Design for VR
My thesis explored the specific needs and of the required aspects of this project,
User Interface for an interactive Virtual research, learn, improve, and develop
considerations of designing a Diegetic
Reality scene using Unreal Engine 4.
I chose this project because I was
effective methods that I have already
began to use in future projects.
interested in Virtual Reality and the near I spent around 475 hours on this project,
development. Diegetic User Interface a functional VR application with industry
future trends in high performing game
Design appealed to me because building a
UI in VR requires a different mindset from
traditional game design. It was especially
important to me that this project was
interactive in order to take full advantage of
the digital immersion offered by VR and to
prove the functionality of my UI design.
Apart from the Unreal hands and grabbing
script, I take credit for all models, textures,
and scripts presented in my thesis. Going
into the project, I had never done many
but through determination I was able to
and I now feel comfortable enough to build
quality menus, models, and interactions.
Through my research and many iterative
passes, I am confident that I have gained
the skills to optimize a VR scene well
enough to run smoothly in any modern