Aspen Clark
Level Design
“Spaces of the Dark”
“Spaces of the Dark” is an experimental “Rhapsody on a Windy Night” follows a
language and poetic intent can be realized along the streets of an unnamed city
level that seeks to prove that figurative
in 3D space using a combination of keen
literary analysis and tried and true level
design techniques.
The ultimate goal of the project was to
create a playable level with both visual
and sound design inspired by poet T.
S. Eliot’s “Rhapsody on a Windy Night.”
The final product is a “playable poem”
that allows players the chance to fully
immerse themselves in the language and
environments in “Rhapsody on a Windy
Night.” This playable poem was built with
the intention of testing the hypothesis
that seeing and hearing the language of a
poem brought to life in 3D space would be
an effective means to help people develop
a deeper, more meaningful understanding
of a piece of written literature.
troubled speaker as they make their way
between the hours of midnight and 4:00
a.m. Along the way, the speaker loses
touch with reality as a collection of odd,
sentient street lamps begin to whisper
to them and make cruel observations
about the world. The visuals of “Spaces
of the Dark” echo this journey from reality
through surreal dreaming by translating
the player across a variety of settings and