Stephen Merendino
Software Development
Physically-Based Rendering
My thesis is a rendering focused on I chose this project because I am very
lighting based on techniques that are and rendering theory and wanted to get a
achieving great looking materials and
used in the video games industry today.
I used published research and course
notes from some of the most advanced
gaming and film companies like EA, Epic,
and Disney as a basis for my project.
The rendering methodology that all of
these companies use is called Physically-
Based Rendering because the shading
equations that are used are derived from
real-world mathematics of how light
interacts with matter. This methodology
leads to great visual results that look
realistic and produces a myriad of
material types from only a small number
of input parameters.
passionate about graphics programming
job as a graphics programmer in the video
game development industry. This thesis
gave me a great foundational knowledge
about modern rendering techniques and
theory that can be applicable at any game
studio I work at in the future.