Dharmik Dave
Software Development
Voxel-Based Global Illumination
Offline renderers have the luxury of being fidelity in less time. Voxel Based Global
In applications like video games and calculating and applying indirect lighting
time-independent in rendering frames.
other types of interactive media, a frame
has to be rendered in no more than 16-
32 milliseconds for the human eye to
perceive motion. Interactive software that
onto a directly lit scene in real time. The
technique takes place completely in voxel
render at less than 30 frames per second As a generalist programmer, picking a
Therefore, it is of utmost importance comfort zone, so this project was a great
can break the immersion very quickly.
that an entire frame’s worth of data is
processed and updated within the 16-
32ms budget.
Lighting the scene can be done from
anywhere between an atomic level to
a surface level, so it is critical to find
ways to move towards producing more
Illumination is a technique that allows for
rendering-heavy topic was out of my
challenge that I ended up having a lot of
fun with, learning new things every day.
This topic helped me understand the
details of rendering and programming in