Jake Patton
Level Design
Enhancing Immersion Using Game Feel by Aligning Player
Interactions With Game Metaphor
Throughout my time playing games, I I learned through the development of
levels are those in which the experience understand each of the elements that
have noticed that the most affecting
of playing perfectly matches the
experience represented on screen.
Likewise, a mismatch between the two
can destroy a level. The goal of my thesis
was to develop a process by which I
could consistently achieve the former
I spent three months researching,
developing, and refining the process itself,
make up a game. Without this prior
knowledge, I wouldn’t have been able
to accurately assess what was possible
in Fallout 4, nor would I have been able
to solve design problems as quickly.
Furthermore, I learned that level design
fundamentals such as conveyance and
digestible spaces are a prerequisite for
higher-level experience goals.
followed by three months using it to create I believe that my process could be useful
Feedback indicates that “Meltdown” as a template for planning levels, as the
a single-player Fallout 4 level, “Meltdown.”
successfully matches its play experience
with its planned narrative arc. The process
I developed helped achieve this outcome.
“Meltdown” just how important it is to
to the video games industry, particularly
process allows a development team to
build a shared library of information useful
for level design.