SMU Guildhall Graduate Catalog Spring 2017 — Cohort 25 | Page 8


Aaron Chang
Art Creation
Atmospheres in a Procedural Environment
The purpose of my thesis artifact is to show contrasting atmospheres between a daytime and nighttime environment in Unreal Engine 4 , set in futuristic Japan . I explored environments from movies like Akira and Blade Runner , as well as from games like Arkham Knight and Remember Me , for mood shots .
Environmental immersion relies a lot on mood and atmosphere to make the scene feel real . I chose to go with a cyberpunk style because I love the contrast of the poor slums and high technology in the environment .
conceptualization to completion . It was a challenge in the very beginning because of the scope of the scene . The material for the hologram was difficult to learn and required watching a lot of YouTube tutorials .
This project allowed me to learn more about different material effects , creating materials in Substance Designer , vertex painting , and the creation of environments .
My artifact is a street intersection scene with a day and night lighting setup . The project took roughly six months from