K. Komal Shashank
Software Development
Mining Adventure
Mining Adventure originally started as my second DFS, I modified the game to
would do as part of the curriculum here Phong lighting with a day/night cycle. I
a Minecraft clone that all programmers
at SMU Guildhall. So, in its initial form,
I had made the game as a procedurally
generated open-world with basic 3D
player physics, static enemies, voxel-
world global illumination and a split-
screen two player mode using XBOX
controllers. I love open-world games, and
I decided I should continue working on it
to improve the project.
For my first Directed Focus Study, I
overhauled my entire rendering system to
modern OpenGL and updated the project
to use the new system. Additionally, I
added two new post-process graphical
effects, namely the depth-of-field effect
and the screen shatter death effect. For
use realistic textures and applied Blinn-
also added photo-realistic water rendering
with reflection, refraction, distortion and
depth. I plan on adding underwater effects
in the future. Additionally, I also worked on
improving the overall performance of the
This project has taught me a lot about
implementing various systems required
to create open-world games and has
given me an opportunity to showcase
my programming skills, from procedural
terrain generation and graphics
programming to performance optimization
and creating engine systems. Mining
Adventure was developed using C++ and