Frank Xu
Level Design
Making Artificial Intelligence More Human
My thesis project demonstrates mastery expectations and behaved similarly to
players. I studied basic principles and of AI behaviors in the final artifact, the
of creating AIs that behave like human
tools to achieve the adaptive AI, then
exhibited the mastery through an artifact
focusing on the AI behavior and its
adaptive features.
The final artifact is a Multiplayer Online
Battle Arena (MOBA) Hero AI that acts
AI navigated, targeted, and fought with
reasonable decisions, and did indeed
act like a real human player. The Hero
followed the lane to engage with enemy
minions, enemy towers, enemy Heroes,
and enemy core.
like a real human player. I chose this topic Heroes with different skill levels had
games, and I felt that studying this topic further polish, this artifact could be
because AI is an important part of video
would be a worthwhile endeavor.
The thesis took around 4 months to
develop. With multiple iterations, I was
able to create a Hero AI that met my
a human player. From the observation
distinguished decision outcomes. With
valuable for AI-heavy games like Dark
Souls and League of Legends. Above all,
the artifact successfully achieved the goal
and built a robust foundation for future