Justin Peterson
Level Design
The Application of AI Director Technology to an Action Role Playing Game
The goal of this project is to create an player’s stress based on how many
context of third-person Action-RPG health the player has. It then spawns more
Artificial Intelligence Director in the
fantasy gameplay to show mastery over
game development. It features a fully
functional combat system, multiple enemy
enemies whenever the player’s stress
levels dip below the desired stress curve.
types with various AI behaviors, and In the process of creating this artifact,
modulates the gameplay experience in development, from texturing to system
the aforementioned AI Director, which
response to the player’s gameplay style.
The purpose of the Director is to keep
players in the sweet spot of “flow”
between boredom and frustration.
Mechanically, the Director models the
enemies are on screen and how much
I touched on every aspect of game
creation to encounter design. Through this
process, I learned about the difficulties
of designing for emergent gameplay
experiences and discovered some useful
tools and rules of thumb for emergent