Gary Brubaker
Director, SMU Guildhall
SMU Guildhall was designed as a living
laboratory for the future of professional
game development and its leadership. We
capstone projects.
have graduated over 700 alumni, who are One of the important values we instill in
These students have earned degrees in Update a design until it is great. We
working at over 250 game studios globally.
one of four specializations:
Art Creation, Level Design, Production or
Software Development.
The projects represented in this
catalog offer a glimpse into the intense
collaborative effort required to succeed
our students is iteration. Keep learning.
practice what we teach. With 14 years
of iteration, SMU Guildhall has a proven
track record of continual improvement.
Our close partnerships with leading game
development companies ensure a vibrant
and current curriculum.
in this interdisciplinary industry. SMU As you explore the collective and individual
of the industry. Our students learn by sure you will see how their work helped us
Guildhall teaches in the style and pace
doing. In our program, they build at least
three games in cross-disciplinary teams,
while being mentored by faculty who are
industry veterans. This includes large
accomplishments of our students, I am
achieve the #1 ranking in Princeton Review
for Game Design Programs. Join me in
celebrating our graduates’ achievements!