Mace Mulleady
Art Creation
Exosuit Variants
The goal of my thesis was to design The design process is an important one.
an exosuit. All variants were to have an greater and greater levels of detail, the
and create visually distinct variations of
easily legible functionality and purpose
to them. I chose to do this project in
order to improve and master hard surface
modeling for character and armor design.
The largest challenge to overcome was
the actual design process of the suits
themselves. Concepting in 2D and
successfully conveying that vision to a
functional design in 3D was the greatest
hurdle to overcome, but I believe that it
improved my ability to create and think in
both 2D and 3D space.
As game engines become able to render
design of how something functions
artistically in games becomes more
illegible based upon cluttered details
and an overload of information thrown
at the player. The goal of creating my
suits was to create a clean, visibly legible
design that spoke both clear function and
purpose to the viewer.