Ashton Maltie IV
Art Creation
Technical Material Creation in Unreal Engine 4
My thesis aimed to capitalize on the Two semesters later, I have a nifty little
creation in games by presenting a vignette materials. I became familiar with the
advancement of the texture and material
of an ocean scene that utilizes high-
quality textures and materials within Epic’s
Unreal Engine.
I was inherently curious as to how much
I could do with Unreal’s Material Editor,
which is an abstract way of writing
shaders for materials. Influenced by
games like Assassin’s Creed IV: Black
Flag, I wanted to create realistically
moving water with a twist: I wanted to
vertex paint more details onto the surface.
That twist developed further by also
adding custom vertex painting to other
materials to create effects like wind and
rain puddles.
scene full of technical, customizable
Material Editor and gained a lot of
knowledge of the nodes and what they
do. I learned a good bit about exterior
lighting and overall using Unreal Engine 4.
I also got some valuable experience with
profiling and benchmarking performance
of art assets in games, which is
something I feel game companies will
always need to balance, no matter how
advanced technology gets.