SMU Guildhall Graduate Catalog Spring 2016 — Cohort 23 | Page 64

Scrapped Team: Get Out Alive Games « Trapped in an expansive scrapyard, you must traverse many perils to find a new home... Playing as a “quantum force” powered robot named C-23, you’ve failed to meet your testing standards and are thrown down a trash chute into endless heaps of scrap metal. What do you do now? After being tossed out like garbage and with the intention of constructing a short “quantum force” powered robot dubbed C-23 experience. Over the course of six months, the trapped within an expansive scrapyard, a encounters a robotic light bug named Fritz. Utilizing Fritz’s glowing guidance, C-23 must team worked hard to achieve this goal. repel and attract across hazards, dodging The team learned to work with an industry- make their way across the perilous terrain. professionally focused project, and formed saws and swinging over bottomless pits to With each force-powered leap or slide, C-23 and his friend draw closer to a new home. Scrapped is a single player, third-person, 3D platformer developed in Unreal Engine 4.8.1. Get Out Alive Games designed Scrapped 64 yet extremely professional and polished sized team, gained experience developing a an understanding of pipeline process and interdisciplinary collaboration.