Hoang Nguyen
Software Development
Procedural Terrain Generation Using Marching Cube
I chose this project because Procedural
claimed that it takes 585 billion years to
my favorite topics, and because I love
what PCG can achieve.
Content Generation (PCG) is one of
Minecraft. PCG is increasingly becoming
more popular in the video game industry.
This project is my first step into PCG.
terrain, level, texture, Artificial Intelligence,
increase, and I want to be ahead of it. I
It has been used widely in generating
and more. The randomness characteristic
of PCG is what makes it so powerful. With
only a few parameters, we can generate a
large number of possible types of content.
No Man’s Sky is the newest game title
using PCG. It is a science fiction game
set in an “infinite” procedurally generated
galaxy. The developer of the game has
explore them all. It always amazes me
In the not too far future, PCG use will
completed this project in three months. In
this project, I generated terrain geometry
procedurally using the Marching Cube
algorithm. To add more realism in my
demo, I also programmed water surface
simulation with refraction and reflection.
I also created trees and grass using a
geometry shader.