SMU Guildhall Graduate Catalog — 2023 C31 CATALOG | Page 26


Yining Zhang
Art Creation
Notre Dame — Recreation and Destruction
My thesis artifact focuses on a historical recreation of the west side of Notre Dame , while envisioning its destruction . The goal of my project was to create an accurate recreation in Unreal Engine 4 based on a photograph of Notre Dame de Paris , using the keyboard to control the scene ’ s dynamic destruction and atmosphere as it changes from fire to snow .
I chose to pursue a project requiring historical accuracy because modeling from 2D images is an indispensable skill in game art . This work has also shown me the significance of technical art in the gaming industry , and I have gained experience using software like Houdini to
create realistic destruction effects . Additionally , I learned how to use blueprints to switch scenes and apply various effects .
In a game , it ’ s not enough to simply display art . Interaction with the game is crucial . By using keystrokes , I gained a better understanding of how to implement interactivity within a game engine . Even if I continue to focus on traditional art in the future , the knowledge I gained through this project will allow me to communicate more effectively with programmers and technical artists .