SMU Guildhall Graduate Catalog 2021 — Cohort 29 2021 | Page 8


Amelia Bloch
Art Creation
Historical Ship to Sci-Fi Analogue and John Berkey Style
This thesis artifact features a traditional historical ship scene that transforms into a sci-fi analogue scene in the style of John Berkey . The masteries are historical accuracy , historical to sci-fi transition , and the John Berkey style .
As for the John Berkey style , I felt like I needed some more specific direction for exploring sci-fi , as the topic is so broad with many different interpretations . So instead of a general sci-fi scene , I wanted a sci-fi scene with a distinct style .
The goal of this artifact was to explore how sci-fi ties together with the real world , and what makes something sci-fi . Since John Berkey ’ s art is considered some of the most famous sci-fi works in history , translating his style into a 3D world was something I wanted to explore . Anything can be turned into a sci-fi John Berkey piece , and exploring how to do so was what I wanted to achieve .
I chose this project because I have always loved sci-fi movies , games , and TV shows . The reason I chose to use ships as my subject for my sci-fi world was because I felt that robots were overdone , and I was interested in how ships are constructed and built .
This artifact began in May 2020 and finished in May 2021 . It was beneficial to me because I learned a lot about how to analyze other styles and translate them into a 3D world where unrealistic lighting , textures , and angles are harder to imitate . This is very useful in the video game industry because many games have distinct styles based on 2D concepts . Being able to interpret those styles accurately in 3D is crucial to developing a game ’ s signature style . It is also important to making smart and purposeful decisions in every piece you create .