Do you think you’re funny? They say the best way to get a feel for a country is to try to understand the humor. Laughter is a universally recognized expression of amusement, and joke telling can become a professional gig for those that truly have the humorous touch. International Joke Day is the perfect day to let out all of the guffaw producing, or groan inducing jokes you’ve collected over time, sharing them with your mates.
Some of our favourite tradie jokes:
Q: How many plumbers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: One to get the beer and one to call the electrician
Damo says to his mate Darren:
"Darren, got any naked photos of your misses?"
And Darren says: "No Damo, I don’t"
And Damo replies: "Well, do you want some?"
Things to get your apprentice to find:
-A bucket of dial tone
-A long weight
-Sky hooks
-Left handed krone tool
-USB krimper
-25 Ohm screwdriver
-Elbow grease
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