Smokers' Manifesto Spring 2017 | Page 11

S I L K C U T :
W H A T ' S N O T T O L O V E ?

E A S Y .

For smokers who find chain-smoking too intense but breathing air too boring there is a tried and tested compromise : Silk Cut . As the best-selling brand of the 1990s and former holder of a Royal Warrant until it was revoked after 122 years , the anti-smoking onslaught has not been kind to the Japanese brand . But at only 5mg tar they continue to be popular with smokers who like their morning cough light and refreshing . With air pollution in London being roughly equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day , perhaps Silk Cut are just what the doctor ordered for city slickers who don ' t want to quit and don ' t want the shame of being seen vaping in public .

L E S S T H A N A F A G . B E T T E R T H A N A I R .

If you put off your morning cigarette because it makes you feel dizzy and nautious try opting for a Silk Cut . smokers ' manifesto 09