Smokeless Tobacco Market: 2017 UK Industry Trends, Growth, Share, Siz Smokeless Tobacco in the UK, 2017 | Page 2
Smokeless Tobacco Industry UK Market Analysis, Growth, Share, Industry
Trends and Forecasts to 2025
"Smokeless Tobacco in the UK, 2017", is an analytical report by GlobalData that provides extensive and
highly detailed current and future market trends in the UK tobacco market. It covers market size and
structure along with per capita and overall consumption. Additionally, it focuses on brand data, retail
pricing, prospects, and forecasts for sales and consumption until 2025.
The UK market for smokeless tobacco has been in decline for decades and by 2016 the market had
contracted to a record low level. In per capita terms, average consumption amounted to just slightly above
1g in 2015.
Imports of smokeless tobacco have fluctuated during the last decade
Exports have been depressed recently, although were up in 2015
The long-term forecast is downwards, despite the increasing anti-smoking legislation and the widening
distribution of the product
Complete report available at