Smoke, Alcohol and Drug to juvenile 1 | Page 4


Interesting Fact

1.90 percent of smokers began before the age 21.

2.Teen smokers are more likely to have panic attacks,

anxiety disorders and depression.

3.Approximately 1.5 million packs of cigarettes are purchased for minors annually.

4.Teenagers who smoke are three times more likely to use alcohol, eight times more likely to smoke marijuana, and 22 times more likely to use cocaine.

5.The lungs of teens who smoke will not develop fully, which puts them at higher risk for lung disease.

Rate of Smoking

Is smoking really addictive?

The substance called nicotine in cigarette is what causes an addiction to smoking. First, when taken in small amounts, nicotine produces pleasurable feelings that make the smoker want to smoke more. Second, smokers usually become dependent on nicotine and suffer both physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms when they stop smoking.

Side Effect?

When people smoke oftenly there is a side effect that shown physically. Cigarette smoke make carbon monoxide in the blood vessels whic caused headaches come. Smoking is the ongoing development of lung cancer and chronic cough. Also skin aging faster than a non-smoker knocks however it could be faster than they expected. If men smoke oftenly which it will increase the risk of Osteoporosis and a decrease in sexual function. Smoking could give a bad breath, sputum inconvenience to the other party by the result smoking could make the low bone density bone health in the future which is a very critical.

What is the thing that contain in cigarette?

There are more than 4,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke. Many of these are poisons. At least 43 of these chemicals cause cancer. Every time people breathe in tobacco smoke, people breathe in poisons that harm the body. Smoke also contains tar and harmful gases, such as carbon monoxide

Does smoking cause cancer?

Smoking causes people to have a cancer tobacco smoke contains at least 43 carcinogenic (cancer-causing) substances. Smoking is responsible for almost 90% of lung cancers among men and more than 70% among women, about 83% overall. Cancer of the mouth, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, kidney, bladder, pancreas, and uterine cervix also have in common cigarette smoking as a major cause.

How does tobacco use affect the economy?

In 1998 tobacco manufacturers' revenue was $50 billion. Nevertheless, the costs of smoking are far higher than the income from cigarette sales. Medical costs alone caused directly by smoking total between $50 billion and $73 billion each year. Lost economic productivity caused by smoking also costs the US economy more than $50 billion each year. This totals more than $100 billion lost each year to health care costs and lost productivity due to smoking.