Smitten Kitchen first edition | Page 9


Steamed Mussels with Spring Onions and Cider


900 g live Mussels

25 grams of unsalted butter

2 cloves of garlic thinly sliced

250 mls of dry cider

4 sprigs of thyme

150 mls of single cream

25g parsley finely chopped

Mussels come into season in February and remain in season for a few months.

So fresh Seasonal Mussels, with Spring Onions and summer planted garlic, makes this a truly seasonal spring dish in Britain.

Thyme is an evergreen herb, so can be used all year round.


Wash the mussels in a colander to remove any dirt and grit. Pick through them, removing any stringy ‘beards’ from the shells. If any of the mussels are slightly open, tap them on the work surface to see if they close (which means they are still alive) and discard any that remain open.

Melt the butter in a large heavy-based saucepan. Sauté the spring onions and garlic over a high heat for 1 min before pouring in the cider or perry. Add the thyme and the mussels, cover and cook for 3-4 mins or until the mussels start to open. Add the cream, season and stir in the parsley.

Divide the mussels between bowls. Pour over the sauce and any spring onions left in the pan. Serve with crusty bread to mop up the juices/.