Smitten Kitchen first edition | Page 5

Just for Starters

Smitten Kitchen is a partnership between the Academy at Shotton Hall from England. Turisticko-ugostiteljska skola Antona Stifanica from Porec in Croatia. From Italy we have The istituto comprensivo di Moretta. The fourth partner is Szkola Podstawowa nr 1 z Oddzialami Integracyjnymi im. Kawalerow Orderu Usmiechu w Przasnyszu. Completing the partnership is Agrupamento de Escolas do Algueirão from Portugal.

This project is about cooking, nutrition and food and sharing best practice with a wide cluster of schools both at home and abroad and we hope to reach out well beyond the confines of this project.

We have two interwoven objectives. The first being to increase the knowledge our students have relating to food preparation and the importance food plays in our societies and we want our students to see how a healthy lifestyle style will include good food. Sharing food is a time honoured method of sharing our

hearts and so we will pay special attention to one another's eating habits, products and traditions. A subsidiary output of this strategy is to help our students acquire an armoury of skills which will be freely transferable to other curriculum areas as well as to the workplace