Smitten Kitchen first edition | Page 18

Croatian Pumpkin Soup

Clean the pumpkin and cut it into smaller slices. Peel a carrot, a potato and an onion and cut it into smaller pieces, and cut half of the green pepper into smaller cubes.

Put sliced ​​vegetables in a bowl, pour water so that it covers 6 cm above and put to boil.

Add olive oil, salt and finely chopped celery and parsley.

Cook until the vegetables are soft, or until the potatoes fall apart when touched with a fork.

When the vegetables are cooked, pour off most of the water and mix the ingredients with a stick mixer.

Depending on whether you want a thicker or thinner soup, slowly add the previously poured water.

Add half a tablespoon of butter and mix well.

Pour two tablespoons of cooking cream over the soup in a plate, and add roasted pumpkin seeds for a special taste.

Serve with toasted bread.