Smitten Kitchen first edition | Page 15

Peixinhos da Horta

Recipe for 4 people


1pound of green beans

3 cups of oil, for frying

3/4 cup of flour

2 cups of water

1 teaspoon of salt

2 eggs

salt and pepper to taste

1. Wash the beans;

2. Boil them in water with some salt for 5 minutes;

3. Meanwhile in a bowl, mix the flour, the 2 eggs,

some salt and pepper to taste;

4. Slowly add one tbsp of olive oil and the water and

stir the batter until you get a smooth mixture;

5. Heat the oil in a deep fryer or a large saucepan;

6. One by one, dip the green

beans in this batter and then fry

them in the fryer until they are

golden brown.

7. Once each one is done place them on paper towels to dry.

8. Sprinkle the deep-fried green beans with salt to taste and serve once
