Hundreds of channels and still we wind up watching a miniature John Deere on the fairway of the course next door , mowing the first growth this year
in a snow flurry that thickens to a blizzard . Strange to have lived more than four decades and not to know that grass could be cut in snow .
When was the last time I noticed her scapular bones ? They have never been so clear . At the deepest point of the ' V ' in the oncology nurse ’ s scrubs I can ’ t help glimpsing and thinking ‘ aureolae ’ – a charm as good as the next against death .
We go halves on the giant biscuit that has reached its Best Before , before I give in and take the lion ’ s share .
Her desire to feed me is stronger than ever – sandwiches for later , fruit in danger of going off , a dollop of mayonnaise in a night light holder .